Resultados de búsqueda de autoridad

Resultados 1 a 1 de 1

Resultados de búsqueda de autoridad
Encabezamientos autorizados Tipo de encabezamiento Registros
Autor/Nombre Corporativo:
Austria. Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst
Usado por:
Austria. Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Culture
Austria. Education and Art, Federal Ministry of
Austria. Education and Arts, Federal Ministry of
Austria. Education and Culture, Austrian Federal Ministry of
Austria. Education and Culture, Federal Ministry of
Austria. Education and the Arts, Federal Ministry of
Austria. Federal Ministry of Education and Art
Austria. Federal Ministry of Education and Culture
Austria. Federal Minsitry of Education and Arts
Austria. Federal Minsitry of Education and the Arts
Austria. Unterricht und Kunst, Bundesministerium für
ver además:
Detalle Autor/Nombre Corporativo 1 registro