Resultados de búsqueda de autoridad

Resultados 1 a 8 de 8

Resultados de búsqueda de autoridad
Encabezamientos autorizados Tipo de encabezamiento Registros
Autor Personal:
Illinois University Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
Detalle Autor Personal 0 registros
Autor Personal:
Industrial Relations Association of America
Detalle Autor Personal 0 registros
Autor Personal:
Industrial Relations Research Association
Detalle Autor Personal 0 registros
Autor Personal:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Industrial Relations Section
Detalle Autor Personal 0 registros
Autor Personal:
New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Detalle Autor Personal 0 registros
Autor Personal:
Princeton University Industrial Relations Section
Detalle Autor Personal 0 registros
Autor Personal:
University of Wisconsin Industrial Relations Research Institute
Detalle Autor Personal 0 registros
Autor Personal:
University of Wisconsin--Madison Industrial Relations Research Institute
Detalle Autor Personal 0 registros