Vista normal Vista MARC
  • Pané, Ramón,

Pané, Ramón, -1571 (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Pané, Ramón, -1571
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Cabecera anterior: Pané, Ramón, d. 1571
  • Pané, Román, -1571
  • Ramón, fray, -1571
  • Román, Father, active 1496

Así habló el abuelo Bayamanaco, 1985: p. 13 (Ramón Pané)

LC data base, 7/1/87 (MLC hdg.: Román, Father, fl. 1496; usage: Ramón Pané)

NUC pre-1956, NUC 42-62 (hdg.: Román, Father, fl. 1496; usage: Ramón Pane, fray Ramón)

Biog. ind., 1970/73 (Román, fra; d. 1571)

De donde vino la gente, 1986: cover, p. 4 (fray Román Pané)

Pané, R. Origen del mar. Spanish, 1981: leaf [24] (Fray Ramón Pané; member of the order of Jerónimos (i.e., Hieronymites); traveled to La Española on the second voyage of Christopher Columbus [translation])

The Biography website, 11 July 2019: (in entry for Ramon Pane: Spanish, born in Catalonia, belonging to the order of St. Jerome; accompanied Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the Indies in 1493; The work of Ramón Pané was a milestone in the cultural history of America. It was composed on the island of Hispaniola, in the first years of the Conqueror process. Taking into account that his writing ended towards the year 1498, its importance transcends boundaries, being the first work written in the new world in a European language, at the same time Pané was also the first Westerner to learn the native language, specifically the Taíno language of Hispaniola island)

Relación acerca de las antigüedades de los indios, 1974: t.p. (por Ramón Pané)