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  • Pérez Ramírez, Gustavo

Pérez Ramírez, Gustavo (Autor Personal)

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  • Ramírez, Gustavo Pérez
  • Pérez, Gustavo

His Mirar hacia Africa, 1989: t.p. (Gustavo Pérez Ramírez) p. 2 of cover (chief, Office of Population, United Nations, 1979-1988; vice-pres., U.N. Writers' Assoc., 1986-1988)

Virgilio Guerrero, 2003: t.p. (Gustavo Pérez Ramírez) p. 4 of cover (Gustavo Pérez)

Los afroecuatorianos, 2011: t.p. (Gustavo Pérez Ramírez) p. 70 (retired United Nations official, Departamento de Cooperación Técnica para el Desarrollo; author of Virgilio Guerrero; Colombian who has resided in Ecuador since 1996)

Author's blog, June 20, 2013: (Gustavo Pérez Ramírez;; Colombian who resides in Quito, Ecuador; director and founder of the Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Social (ICODES) Bogotá, Colombia and secretary for Latin America, Federación de Institutos de Investigación Socio-Religiosa (FERES) with headquarters in Friburgo, Switzerland (1959-71); visiting fellow, Trinity Term, St. Antony's College, Oxford, Great Britain (1969); section head, Office of Population at the United Nations (New York) and chief, Office of Population, Departamento de Cooperación Técnica para el Desarrollo (1972-88); vicepresident of the United Nations Writers' Association (1985-1988); contributor to Reflections, United Nations Journal of the Society of Writers; retired from the United Nations since October 31, 1988; Secretario general, Grupo América (2005-2010); Miembro de número, Academia de Historia del Ecuador and the Sección Académica de Historia y Geografía, Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamín Carrión;" writes a Sunday column for La Hora)

La Revolución Juliana y sus jóvenes líderes olvidados, 2014: title page (Gustavo Pérez Ramírez) cover front flap (Ph.D. in political and social sciences, Université catholique de Louvain; member, Academia Nacional de Historia since 2004; retired from the Secretariado, United Nations)