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  • Postel, Sandra

Postel, Sandra (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Postel, Sandra
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Posuteru, Sandora
  • Būstil, Sāndrā

Her Air pollution, acid rain, and the future of forests, c1984: t.p. (Sandra Postel) p. 54 (senior researcher with Worldwatch Institute)

Dividing the waters, 1996: t.p. (Sandra Postel) p. 4 (dir. of Global Water Policy Project in Amherst, Mass.; v.p. for research at Worldwatch Inst. for 6 yrs.; has lectured at Stanford, Harvard, Duke and Yale; adj. prof. of int'l. environ. policy at Tufts Univ. for last 2 yrs.; has served on bd. of dir. of Int'l. Water Resources Ass'n.; was a mbr. of founding comm. of World Water Council; awarded Pew Fellowship in Conserv. and the Environ. in 1995)

Ketsubō no jidai no seijigaku, 1998: t.p. (Sandora Posuteru) cover (Sandra Postel)

Inqādh al-kawkab, 1995?: t.p. (Sāndrā Būstil) t.p. verso (Sandra Postel)