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  • Sachs, Jeffrey

Sachs, Jeffrey (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Sachs, Jeffrey
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Sachs, Jeffrey D.
  • Sachs, Jeffery
  • Saks, Dzheffri D.

Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.

Bruno, M. Macroeconomic adjustment with import price shocks, 1979 (a.e.) t.p. (Jeffrey Sachs)

Bruno, M. Econ. of worldwide stagflat., 1985: CIP t.p. (Jeffrey D. Sachs) data sheet (b. 11-5-54)

nuc89-40078: His Sources of macroeconomic imbalances ... 1987 (hdg. on NBuU rept.: Sachs, Jeffrey; usage: Jeffery Sachs)

India in the era of economic reforms, c1999: jkt (Dir., Harvard Inst. of International Development and Galen L. Stone, Prof. of International Trade at Harvard U.)

Koneëtìs bednosti, 2011: t.p. (Dzheffri D. Saks) added t.p. (Jeffrey D. Sachs)

El fin de la pobreza, 2006: t.p. (Jeffrey Sachs)