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  • International Federation of Accountants

International Federation of Accountants (Autor/Nombre Corporativo)

Esta autoridad no está utilizada en ningún registro.
Forma preferida: International Federation of Accountants
Usado por/ver desde:
  • IFAC

nuc86-108953: Other information in documents containing audited ... 1984 (hdg. on OkentU rept.: International Federation of Accountants; usage: International Federation of Accountants)

LC data base, 12-16-87 (less than fully authenticated serial hdg.: International Federation of Accountants)

Its International Auditing Practices Committee. The relationship between bank supervisors and external auditors, 1989: t.p. (IFAC; International Federation of Accountants)

Normas internacionales de auditoría y control de calidad, 2008: t.p. (Internacional Federation of Accountants)