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  • Trigo, Pedro

Trigo, Pedro (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Trigo, Pedro
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Trigo, Pedro S.J.

His Narrativa de un continente ... 1976 [c1975] t.p. (Pedro Trigo)

His El pueblo y la iglesia en la novela ... 1989: t.p. (Pedro Trigo) front flap (b. 1942 in Haro [Spain])

Echar la suerte con los pobres de la tierra, 2015: title page (Pedro Trigo, S.J.; published by Centro Gumilla)

Centro Gumilla website, December 28, 2015: posted October 5, 2010 (theology professor affiliated with the Facultad de Teología, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas); researcher who specializes in the sociopolitical studies of the Jesuits at the Centro Gumilla; born in Spain; naturalized Venezuelan citizen; specialist in Hispanic literature, liberation theology and the history of evangelization in Latin America)

Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Facultad de Teología website, December 28, 2015: (P. Dr. Pedro Trigo, sj;

Jesús nuestro hermano, ©2018: title page (Pedro Trigo) front flap (autor de Salmos del Evangelio; Consagrados hoy al Dios de la vida y En el mercado de Dios, un Dios más allá del mercado)