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- Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude,
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude, 1933- (Autor Personal)
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- Cabecera anterior: Cohen-Tannoudji, C.
- Cohen-Tannoudji, C. (Claude), 1933-
- Tannoudji, Claude Cohen-, 1933-
Grenoble. Université. École d'été de physique théorique, Les Houches. Optique et electronique quantiques, 1965.
LC data base, 10-24-83 (hdg.: Cohen-Tannoudji, C.; usage: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji)
Information from 678 converted Dec. 8, 2014 (b. 1933)
Quantum mechanics, 2020: title page (Claude Cohen-Tannoudji) cover (Is a researcher at the Kastler-Brossel laboratory of the Ecole Normale Supériure in París where the also studied and recelved his PhO in 1962. In 1973 he bacame Professor of atomic and molecular physics at the College des France)