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  • Andrews, Catherine

Andrews, Catherine (Catherine Jane) (Autor Personal)

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  • Andrews, Catherine Jane

Del Nuevo Santander a Tamaulipas, 2012: t.p. (Catherine Andrews)

Escuela Nacional de Biblioteconomía y Archivonomía website, viewed Mar. 6, 2013: author's CV (full name: Catherine Jane Andrews; professor) About (Catherine Andrews obtained her Ph.D. in Mexican History at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland in 2001. Her principal line of research is Nineteenth-Century Mexican Constitutional History... She also studies the political history of Tamaulipas and Mexico's North East. She currently works in the Escuela Nacional de Biblioteconomía y Archivonomía in Mexico City.)

Un siglo de constitucionalismo en América Latina, 1917-2017, ©2017: title page (Catherine Andrews (coordinadora))