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  • Vega Jiménez, Patricia

Vega Jiménez, Patricia (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Vega Jiménez, Patricia
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Jiménez, Patricia Vega
  • Vega, Patricia (Vega Jiménez)

Her Colegio de Periodistas de Costa Rica, 1989: t.p. (Patricia Vega)

De la imprenta al periódico, 1995: t.p. (Patricia Vega) cover (Patricia Vega Jiménez)

Vega Jiménez, P. Con sabor a tertulia, 2004: t.p. (Patricia Vega Jiménez) p. xv (Patricia Vega) p. 287 (doctorate degree in history and licenciada in communications, Universidad de Costa Rica; professor and researcher at the Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación Colectiva since 1978; former director of the same institution from 1996-2004; her research topics are history of the social communication in Costa Rica and history of the consumerism)

OCLC, Dec. 16, 2004 (hdg.: Vega, Patricia; usages: Patricia Vega Jiménez, Patricia Vega)