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  • Diseño de producto

Diseño de producto (Materias-Términos)

Forma preferida: Diseño de producto
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Mercancías Diseño y construcción
  • Diseño de productos
  • Diseño del producto
  • Productos nuevos Diseño y construcción
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Work cat.: Lidwell, William. Deconstructing product design, 2009.

Encyclopedia of Management, 2006: p. 690 (Product design. Product design is cross-functional, knowledge-intensive work that has become increasingly important in today's fast-paced, globally competitive environment. It is a key strategic activity in many firms because new products contribute significantly to sales revenue. When firms are able to develop distinctive products, they have opportunities to command premium pricing. Product design is a critical factor in organizational success because it sets the characteristics, features, and performance of the service or good that consumers demand. The objective of product design is to create a good or service with excellent functional utility and sales appeal at an acceptable cost and within a reasonable time.)

Otto, K.N. Product design: techniques in reverse engineering and new product development, c2001.

Wikipedia, July 13, 2010 (Product design: concerned with the efficient and effective generation and development of ideas through a process that leads to new products)

UIA, 1 junio 2022: catálogo electrónico (Diseño de producto)