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  • Música popular

Música popular (Materias-Términos)

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Forma preferida: Música popular
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Música pop
  • Cabecera anterior: Música popular (Canciones, etc.)
  • Canciones populares
  • Música vocal popular
Ver además:

Joynson, V. Dreams, fantasies, and nightmares from far away lands, 1999 (rock and pop, 1963-75)

Shuker, R. Key concepts in popular music, 1998 (pop music; while the use of the word "popular" in relation to the lighter forms of music goes back to the mid-19th century, the abbreviation "pop" was not in use as a generic term until the 1950s, when it was adopted as the umbrella name for a special kind of musical product aimed at a teenage market; often used in an oppositional sense to rock music; seen as a somewhat watered-down, blander version of rock'n'roll, associated with a more rhythmic style and smoother vocal harmony; best of pop survives as "golden oldies"; musically defined by general accessibility, emphasis on memorable hooks, and preoccupation with romantic love as a theme)

New Rolling stone encyc. of rock & roll, c1995 (pop: basically any popular music that places a premium on accessibility; employs various means to boost both instant appeal and memorability (distinctive syncopation, novel instrumental flourishes, danceable rhythms, repeated riffs), but its signal feature is melodic emphasis; generally, any pop record avoids the experimental, arcane, or edgy, aiming instead, in its production, structural familiarity, and clear sentiment to reach the widest possible audience)

LC database, Oct. 25, 2000 (hdg.: Popular music; usage: popular music, pop, pop music)

Biblioteca del Congreso (Estados Unidos), 16 junio 2022: catálogo electrónico (Popular music)

UIA, 16 junio 2022: catálogo electrónico (Música popular)

Aquí se asienta la música popular vocal y las colecciones que contiene tanto la música popular instrumental y la vocal

Ejemplo bajo la referencia de Arreglos (Música popular y jazz)

Nota bajo Hojas de partitura