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  • Pastora Gómez, Edén

Pastora Gómez, Edén (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Pastora Gómez, Edén
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Gómez, Edén Pastora
  • Cero, comandante
  • Comandante Cero
  • Commander Zero
  • Zero, Commander
  • Pastora, Edén
  • Zéro, commandant
  • Commandant Zéro

Eugarrios, M. Dos ... uno ... Cero, comandante, 1979 (subj.) t.p. (Cero Comandante) p. 21 (Cero) p. 92 (Comandante Cero, Edén Pastora Gómez)

Pol. yrbk of the world, 1979: p. 326 (Edén Pastora Gómez, "Commander Zero," one of the leaders of the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional, Nicaragua)

NYT index, 1978: p. 814 (Pastora, Edén)

Berreby, G. Commandant Zéro, c1987.

Washington post WWW site, viewed June 17, 2020 (in obituary dated June 16, 2020: Edén Pastora, Nicaraguan guerrilla and politician, dies at 83; Edén Pastora, who died June 16, was one of the leading figures of the left-wing Sandinista revolution that toppled the U.S.-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle in 1979. He launched the first major attack on the Somoza regime, on Aug. 22, 1978. Four years later, declaring that he was disillusioned by the communist direction of the revolution, Mr. Pastora switched sides and joined the right-wing "contras" along the border with Costa Rica to fight Ortega and the Sandinistas. He became commander of the contras' Southern Front, leading a guerrilla group of about 2,000 men. Mr. Pastora went into politics, initially with the Social Christian Party, which described itself as a centrist alternative to the Marxist-Leninist Sandinistas and the right-wing National Opposition Union. In 2006 he ran for president as a candidate of the Alternative for Change party. Edén Atanacio Pastora Gómez was born in Ciudad Darío, Nicaragua, on Jan. 22, 1937. Mr. Pastora made peace with Ortega and in 2008 the former became a political adviser to the latter, by then president of Nicaragua. Mr. Pastora was very much back in the Sandinista fold. Mr. Pastora died in Managua's military hospital)

LC database, June 17, 2020 (access point: Pastora Gómez, Edén; usage: Edén Pastora; resource by him in Spanish)