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  • Iglesia Episcopal Mexicana

Iglesia Episcopal Mexicana (Autor/Nombre Corporativo)

Forma preferida: Iglesia Episcopal Mexicana
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Mexican Episcopal Church
Ver además:

Its Preparándonos para el futuro, 1962: p.1 (Iglesia Episcopal Mexicana) p.7 (Mexican Episcopal Church)

NUC, 1973-77 (hdg.: Iglesia Episcopal Mexicana)

Buena lid (Mexico City, Mexico : 1963), Nov. 1961: caption (Iglesia Episcopal Mexicana) Oct./Dec. 1998, p. 4 of cover (Iglesia Anglicana de México, A.R.)

Diócesis (Anglicana) del Sureste de México WWW site, viewed Feb. 6, 2008: Historic Summary webpage (formerly named the Church of Jesus, in 1906 the Synod of the Mexican Episcopal Church requested and received inclusion in the Missionary District of Mexico of the Episcopal Church in the USA; in 1993, the Church was required to change its name and adopted the name Iglesia Anglicana de México, A.R.; in 1995, the Church became an autonomous Province with the Anglican Communion)