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  • Confirmación

Confirmación (Materias-Términos)

Forma preferida: Confirmación

Concise Oxford dictionary of world religions, 2003, via WWW, viewed July 14, 2021 (Confirmation: The Christian rite in which the Holy Spirit is conveyed in a renewed or fuller way to those who have already undergone baptism, derived from John 14. 15--21, and Acts 2. 37 f., which suggests a division between the two. In the Middle Ages it came to be counted as one of the seven sacraments)

Merriam-Webster unabridged, via WWW, viewed July 14, 2021 (confirmation, noun 1a(1): a Christian rite conferring the gift of the Holy Spirit and among Protestants full church membership; 1a(2): the act or ceremony of confirming or sanctioning 14 to 16 year-old boys and girls in the Jewish faith following their study of the faith and history of Judaism and their declaration of devotion to its principles; also: the synagogue service now usually held on Shavuot in which this religious ceremony occurs)

Biblioteca del Congreso (Estados Unidos), 08 noviembre 2022: catálogo electrónico (Confirmation)

DGB/UNAM, 08 noviembre 2022: catálogo electrónico (Confirmación)

UIA, 08 noviembre 2022: catálogo electrónico (Confirmación)

Aquí se describen las obras generales sobre la confirmación religiosa cristiana. Las obras sobre la liturgia de la confirmación se registran en Confirmación (Liturgia).

Nota bajo Confirmación (Liturgia)