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  • Rintels, David W.

Rintels, David W. (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Rintels, David W.
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Hallmark hall of fame. Gideon's trumpet. Gideon's trumpet [MP] 1980: credits (written for television and produced by David Rintels)

LC in OCLC, 3-14-88 (hdg.: Rintels, David W.)

Per phone call to David Rintels' agent, Rowland Perkins of Creative Artists, 9-29-92 (Pat Riddle is pseudonym Rintels used on all video releases of film "Not without my daughter." Rintels was born June 25, 1938)

Not without my daughter [MP] 1990: credits (screenplay by Pat Riddle)

IMDb, 8 November 2018 (David W. Rintels; writer, producer; born 1939 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA)