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  • Yared, Gabriel

Yared, Gabriel (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Yared, Gabriel
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Яред, Габриэль
  • I︠A︡red, Gabriėlʹ

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His 37⁰2 le matin, c1986: cover (Gabriel Yared)

Int. ww in mus., 13th ed. (Yared, Gabriel; b. Oct. 7, 1949, Beirut, Lebanon; composer)

Wikipedia, April 27, 2020 (Gabriel Yared (Arabic: غبريال يارد; born 7 October 1949); Lebanese-French composer, best known for his work in French and American cinema; born in Beirut, Lebanon)

KinoPoisk website, April 27, 2020 (Габриэль Яред = Gabriėlʹ I︠A︡red; Gabriel Yared [in roman])