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  • Aronofsky, Darren

Aronofsky, Darren (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Aronofsky, Darren

Scenario. Vol. 4, no. 2, 1998 : p. 2 & 62 (Darren Aronofsky; author of screenplay: Pi) p. 91 (M.F.A. in directing from American Film Institute, 1994; won Directing Award for Dramatic Competition at 1998 Sundance Film Festival; 28 years old and living in Manhattan in 1998)

IMDb, Nov. 23, 2010 (Darren Aronofsky; b. Feb. 12, 1969, New York; director, producer, writer)

Aronofsky, Darren. Monster club, 2022: title page (Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel) about the authors (Darren Aronofsky is a screenwriter, director and producer)