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  • Fenton, George

Fenton, George (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Fenton, George
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Howe, George Richard

Shankar, R. Gandhi [SR] c1982 (a.e.) container (George Fenton, joint composer and conductor)

Winquist, S.G. Musik i svenska ljudfilmer, c1990 (Fenton, George; b. 1949; English composer)

Grove, 16 Oct. 2006 (George Richard Howe, born 19 Oct. 1949)

Wikipedia, 16 Oct. 2006 (George Fenton; George Fenton ((born George Richard Ian Howe; 19 October 1950) is an English composer best known for his work writing film scores and music for television such as for the BBC series The Blue Planet and Planet Earth)