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  • Cech, John

Cech, John (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Cech, John
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Cech, John O.

His Charles Olson in Connecticut, 1974: t.p. (John Cech)

American writers for children, 1900-1960, 1983 (a.e.) CIP t.p. (John Cech; Univ. of Florida, Gainesville)

Digital dissertations, May 5, 2008 (Cech, John O., Ph. D., The University of Connecticut, 1974--Edward Dahlberg and Charles Olson)

OCLC #191219695: His Edward Dahlberg and Charles Olson, 1974 (hdg.: Cech, John O., 1944-; usage: John O. Cech)

His website, June 24, 2019 (John Cech is an award-winning writer, teacher, scholar and critic who has been actively working in the field of children's literature for the past three decades. The author of books for children and works for adults. John is Professor of English and Children's Literature at the University of Florida.)

El cascanueces, [2013]: t.p. (adaptación de John Cech)