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  • Joas, Hans,

Joas, Hans, 1948- (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Joas, Hans, 1948-

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Die gegenwärtige Lage der soziologischen Rollentheorie, 1973: t.p. (Hans Joas)

The genesis of values, 2000: CIP t.p. (Hans Joas) auth. info. (Ph. D. in sociology, Free University of Berlin, 1979)

The sacredness of the person, 2013: eCIP t.p. (Hans Joas) data view screen (professor of sociology at the University of Chicago) p. 4 of cover of published work (permanent fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, School of History)

Wikipedia, April 18, 2013 (Hans Joas, born November 27, 1948; German sociologist; since 2000 professor of sociology at the University of Chicago; also affiliated with the Max-Weber-Kollegs für kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien at the University of Erfurt from 2002 to 2011; vice president of the International Sociological Association from 2006 to 2010)

Stichting Thomas More website, viewed October 27, 2020 (holds Ernst Troeltsch chair at Humboldt University of Berlin)