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  • Guilfoyle, Paul

Guilfoyle, Paul (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Guilfoyle, Paul

Not the same as nor related to the 1930s-1950s film actor and director: Guilfoyle, Paul, 1902-1961 (no 94044079).

Extreme measures, 1999: cast credits (Paul Guilfoyle)

Player's guide, 1991-92: p. 665 (Paul Guilfoyle)

Film actors guide, 1992: p. 190 (Paul Guilfoyle)

That guy... who was in that thing, 2015: credits (Paul Guilfoyle)

IMDb, May 25, 2016 (Paul Guilfoyle (II); b. Apr. 28, 1949, Boston, Mass.; actor; After graduating from Boston College High School in 1968, he attended Lehigh University. He studied acting as a member of the Actor's Studio in New York, and then for 12 years was a member of the Theatre Company of Boston) trivia (Often mistakenly referred to as the son of character actor Paul Guilfoyle. They are not related)