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  • Searls, Damion

Searls, Damion (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Searls, Damion

Bachmann, I. Letters to Felician, 2004: t.p. (Damion Searls) p. 4 of cover (lives in Oakland, CA)

Searls, Damion. What we were doing and where we were going, 2009: ECIP t.p. (Damion Searls) data view (has translated many of Europe's greatest writers, Rilke, Proust, Ingeborg Bachmann, etc.; his travelogue Everything you say is true appeared in 2004; this is his first book of fiction)

Walser, Robert, 1878-1956. A schoolboy's diary and other stories, 2013: CIP t.p. (translated by Damion Searls)

Wesleyan University website, viewed November 27, 2023 (Damion Searls is a Distinguished Writer in Residence at Wesleyan University. He has translated 50 books from German, Norwegian, French, and Dutch, and written The Philosophy of Translation (forthcoming), the first biography of the inventor of the Rorschach Test, short stories, reviews, and poetry, and edited the one-volume abridgment of Thoreau's Journal. Most of his translations are of modernist literature and philosophy (Proust, Rilke, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Nescio, Modiano, Jelinek, Bachmann), especially the funny ones (Schwitters, Walser, Döblin, Thomas Bernhard, Gide's Marshlands, and, yes, Thomas Mann), and of contemporary Norwegian classics (Jon Fosse, Victoria Kielland, Karl Ove Knausgaard).)

I is another: septology III-V,2021: portada (Jon Fosse ; translated from the norwegian by Diamond Searls)