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  • Clarisas

Clarisas (Autor/Nombre Corporativo)

Forma preferida: Clarisas
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Capuchin Sisters
  • Capuchin Nuns
  • Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters
  • Congregation of the Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters
  • Capuchin Poor Sisters
  • Poor Clares of the Capuchin Branch
  • Capuchinesses
  • Capuchines
  • Ordo Sanctae Clarae Capuccinarum
  • OSCCap
  • O.S.C. Cap
  • OSClCap
  • Clarisse cappuccine
  • Cappuccine
  • Monjas Capuchinas
  • Hermanas Clarisas Capuchinas
  • Clarisas Capuchinas
  • Capuchin Poor Clares
  • Monjas Descalzas de la Primera Regla de Santa Clara
  • Orden de Clarisas Capuchinas
  • Orden de las Hermanas Clarisas Capuchinas
  • Kapuzinerinnen
  • Klarissen-Kapuzinerinnen
  • Capucines
  • Clarisses capucines
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Regla de la gloriosa Santa Clara, between 1766 and 1778: t.p. (Monjas Capuchinas)

Capuchin Poor Clares, Federation of Our Lady of the Angels Web site, Aug. 19, 2011: main English page (Capuchin Poor Clares) Who are we? (Capuchin Sisters) main Spanish page (Hermanas Clarisas Capuchinas) Quienes somos? (Clarisas Capuchinas)

OCLC, Aug. 19, 2011 (hdgs.: Capuchin Nuns, Capuchinas; usages: Clarisse cappuccine, Clarisas Capuchinas, Monjas Capuchinas, Monjas Descalzas de la Primera Regla de Santa Clara; hdg. as subject: Capuchin nuns; usage as subject: Cappuccine)

Day, P. A dictionary of religious orders, c2001: Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters (Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters; Congregation of the Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters; OSCCap; founded 1538 in Naples by Maria Longo, who had been a Franciscan Third Order sister, adopted Rule of St. Clare for her community; members work among the homeless; order has spread throughout Italy, has houses in France, Spain, and USA (Colorado and Texas)) Poor Clares (Capuchin Poor Sisters; Poor Clares of the Capuchin Branch)

New Catholic encyclopedia, 2003, viewed online Aug. 19, 2011: Maria Laurentia Longo, Ven. (Capuchinesses; Franciscan sisters; founded by Maria Laurentia Longo; instituted convent of nuns 1535; gave it first the rule of St. Clare of Assisi, then statutes inspired by those of the Capuchin monks; Pope Paul III approved the order Dec. 1538)

Britannica online, Aug. 22, 2011: Poor Clares, religious order (Capuchin Sisters; originating in Naples in 1538; Poor Clares of the strict observance)

Religious orders of the Catholic Reformation, 1994: p. 41 (Capuchines; female branch of the Capuchins; Maria Lorenzo Longo established convent for Franciscan Tertiaries in 1535; charter of foundation 1538; put under spiritual direction of Capuchin friars; first house of Capuchin sisters adopted the strict rule of the Poor Clares; 16th-century Capuchines remained strictly cloistered, soon became part of second order of St. Francis)

LCCS, Aug. 23, 2011: BX4301-4304 (Capuchin Nuns)

Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz, viewed online Aug. 22, 2011: Kapuzinerinnen (Kapuzinerinnen; in Switzerland, members of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis; also Klarissen-Kapuzinerinnen (lat. Ordo Sanctae Clarae Capuccinarum, abbreviation OSClCap), a reformed branch of Capuchin nuns who lived since 1535 in the second Franciscan order, following the rule of Santa Clara) Capucines (Capucines; Clarisses capucines) Cappuccine (Cappuccine; Clarisse cappuccine), Aug. 22, 2011 (Orden de Clarisas Capuchinas; Orden de las Hermanas Clarisas Capuchinas (O.S.C.Cap))

The Oxford encyclopedia of the Reformation, 1996