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  • Otermin, Antonio de,

Otermin, Antonio de, activo 1678-1682 (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Otermin, Antonio de, activo 1678-1682
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  • Otermin, Antonio de, active 1678-1682

Documentos que sobre el levantamiento de los Indios del año de 1680, 1947: title page (formó don Antonio de Otermin, gobernador y capitán general del reino del Nuevo México)

Wikipedia, viewed on September 26, 2016: Antonio de Otermin (Spanish Governor of the northern New Spain province of Santa Fe de Nuevo México, today the U.S. States of New Mexico and Arizona, from 1678-1682; Governor at the time of the Pueblo Revolt, during which the religious leader Popé led the Pueblo people in a military ouster of the Spanish colonists; fell ill in 1682 and was replaced by Domingo Jironza Petrís de Cruzate)