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  • Duviols, Pierre

Duviols, Pierre (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Duviols, Pierre

Xerez, F. de. Relation véridique de la conquête du Pérou et de la province de Cuzco nommée Nouvelle-Castille, subjugée par François Pizarre, 1982: t.p. (Pierre Duviols)

Histórica (0252-8894), XLII : 2, 2018: page 155, etc. (Pierre Duviols; born in Paris; specialist in the history of Peru; member of the Comité Internacional of the journal Histórica since it was created in 1977; had his first job as an elementary school teacher in Paris in 1948 or 1949; studied at the Institut d'études hispaniques of the Université de la Sorbonne (1950-1951; 1954-1955; 1959-1960); French professor affiliated with the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (1951-1953); professor formerly affiliated with the École pratique des hautes études of the Université de la Sorbonne; worked at the Archivo Arzobispal de Lima (1965-1967))

Escritos de historia andina, 2016-: volume 2, title page (Pierre Duviols) cover front flap (professor formerly affiliated with the Université de Provence; former studies director at the École pratique des hautes études; researcher specializing in the Andean religion and the sociopolitical structures of the Incas as well as Andean ethnohistory; author of works in French and Spanish; miembro correspondiente, Academia Nacional de Historia del Perú)

Academia Nacional de Historia del Perú Facebook page, August 11, 2022: (