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  • Esclavitud

Esclavitud (Materias-Términos)

Forma preferida: Esclavitud
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Abolición de la esclavitud
  • Antiesclavitud
  • Propietario de esclavos
  • Propiedad de esclavos
  • Esclavismo
  • Mantenimiento de esclavos WWW site, Apr. 17, 2009 (Slavery; synonyms: thralldom, slaveholding)

Google search, Apr. 14, 2009 (137,000 hits: slave system 'slavery')

LC database, July 21, 2011 (enslavement)

Merriam-Webster unabridged, via WWW, July 21, 2011 (enslavement 1 : the act or process of enslaving <the gradual enslavement of primitive peoples>; 2 : the state of being enslaved : BONDAGE, SERVITUDE)

Address to the inhabitants of the British settlements in America, upon slave-keeping, 1775

"Observations on slave keeping" in Providence gazette, 4 December 1773.

"'Child slavery' in British and French Far-Eastern colonies 1880-1945" in Past & Present, no. 201 (November 2008): page 176 (mui tsai = "little younger sister"; girls sold into domestic bond service by their families in Asia)

Women and Chinese patriarchy, 1994: page xiv (mui tsai = girls sold into domestic servitude) page 11 (mui tsai = widespread institution in China where families sold unwanted girls due to poverty, natural disasters, or war) page 12 (mui tsai were officially abolished by the Communist government circa 1950, but the practice continued covertly)

The Enduring Vision, v. 1, 2014: page 232 (Benjamin Banneker refers uses the euphemism "thralldom" for the institution of slavery in a 19 Aug 1791 letter to the Secretary of State Th Jefferson)

"Thralldom" in The free dictionary, viewed 13 December 2022 (the state of being in the power of another person, such as a slave or serf)

"Thralldom" in Merriam-Webster thesaurus, viewed 13 December 2022 (synonyms: slavery, servitude, enslavement, bondage)

Biblioteca del Congreso (Estados Unidos), 5 septiembre 2024: catálogo electrónico (Slavery)

Ibero, 5 septiembre 2024: catálogo electrónico (Esclavitud)