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  • Real y Pontificia Universidad de México

Real y Pontificia Universidad de México (Autor/Nombre Corporativo)

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  • Universidad de México, Real y Pontificia
  • Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico
  • Real Universidad de México
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New Spain. Reales cédulas de la Real y Pontificia Universidad de Mexico de 1551 a 1816, 1946.

Dicc. Porrúa, 1971: v. 2, p. 2197 (The first Universidad de México was created by Real cédula of 9-21-1551, issued by Felipe II, as the Real y Pontificia Universidad de México; classes began 1-25-1553; after independence from Spain and until 1910 it was called Universidad de México)

Wikipedia, May 23, 2013 (The Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico (in Spanish: Real y Pontificia Universidad de México) was founded on 21 September 1551 by Royal Decree signed by Charles I of Spain, in Valladolid, Spain. It is generally considered the first university officially founded in North America and second in the Americas. After the Mexican War of Independence it was renamed University of Mexico. It was closed during the years 1833, 1857, 1861 and 1865; during the Second Mexican Empire, the University was reopened by Maximilian I of Mexico and, after the victory by the liberals in 1867, closed for good. Scattered institutions, mainly civil colleges founded by the liberals and religious establishments outside Mexico City, continued without interruption)

Martínez Hernández, G. La medicina en la Nueva España, siglos XVI y XVII, 2015: p. 139 (Real Universidad de México)