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  • Roper, Margaret,

Roper, Margaret, 1505-1544 Correspondencia (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Roper, Margaret, 1505-1544 Correspondencia
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  • Cabecera anterior: Roper, Margaret (More), 1505-1544 Correspondencia

Stewart, A.M. Margaret Roper, or, The chancellor and his daughter, 1874.

NUC pre-56 (hdg.: Roper, Margaret More, 1505-1544)

Early Tudor translators, 2000: CIP t.p. (Margaret More Roper) introd. (1505-1544 ; the eldest child of Sir Thomas More; m. William Roper)

LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Roper, Margaret (More), 1505-1544)

Wikipedia, viewed August 16, 2023 (Margaret Roper (1505-1544) was an English writer and translator; considered to have been one of the most learned women in sixteenth-century England; most known publication is a Latin-to-English translation of Erasmus' Precatio Dominica as A Devout Treatise upon the Paternoster; wrote many Latin epistles and English letters, as well as an original treatise entitled The Four Last Things; she also translated the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius from the Greek into the Latin language)