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  • Reynoso, José Luis

Reynoso, José Luis (Autor Personal)

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  • Reynoso, José L.

Dancing mestizo mondernisms, 2024: title page (José Luis Reynoso) back cover (associate professor at UC Riverside; Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Dance Studies at Northwestern University (2012-2014); Ph.D. in Culture and Performance with a specialization in Dance Studies (2012) and a M.F.A in Choreography (2006) from UCLA; M.A. (2003) in Psychology from California State University Los Angeles)

University of California, Riverside website, viewed February 1, 2024: José L. Reynoso page (José L. Reynoso; writes and teaches about the history, theory, and practice of dance and other forms of cultural production primarily in the U.S., Mexico, and other countries in Latin America)