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  • Calvino, Juan,

Calvino, Juan, 1509-1564 (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Calvino, Juan, 1509-1564
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564
  • Cauvin, Jean, 1509-1564
  • Kal§vin, Iogann, 1509-1564
  • Calvin, Johannes, 1509-1564
  • Kalvín, Jan, 1509-1564
  • Calvijn, Johannes, 1509-1564
  • Caluin, Iohn, 1509-1564
  • Caluine, John, 1509-1564
  • Calvyn, Jean, 1509-1564
  • Caluinus, Ioannes, 1509-1564
  • Calvinus, Ioannes, 1509-1564
  • Calvinus, Joannes, 1509-1564
  • Kálvin, János, 1509-1564
  • Kalwin, Jan, 1509-1564
  • Calvino, Giovanni, 1509-1564

Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.

Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.

His Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans, 1849.

His Ioannis Caluini Commentarii in Isaiam prophetam, 1570: t.p. (Ioannis Caluini ...)

Bolyki, J. Az imádkozó Kálvin, 1985: t.p. (Kálvin)

Új magy. lex., 1961 (Kálvin János; Jean Calvin, 1509-1564)

His Institución de la religión cristiana, 1988: CIP t.p. (Juan Calvino)

Piwko, S. Filozoficzne aspekty doktryny Jana Kalwina, 1987: t.p. (Jana Kalwina)

Gallicet Calvetti, C. Sebastiano Castellion : il riformato umanista contro il riformatore Calvino, 1989: p. 3, etc. (Giovanni Calvino)

Nicollier, A. Dictionnaire encyclopédique suisse, c1987 (Calvin, Jean)

A commentarie of John Caluine, upon the first booke of Moses, called Genesis, 1578.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library, viewed via the WWW March 24, 2014 (John Calvin was a prominent French theologian during the Protestant Reformation and the father of the theological system known as Calvinism; the most significant architect of the Reformation; originally trained as a humanist lawyer, he broke from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530; due to religious tensions against Protestants in France, he fled to Geneva, later returned to Strasbourg; pastored in both places; born July 10, 1509 in Noyon, France; died May 27, 1564 in Geneva)

Textos políticos, 2016 t.p. (Calvino)