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  • Poesía

Poesía (Materias-Términos)

Forma preferida: Poesía
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Poemas
  • Poesía Filosofía
  • Versos (Poesía)
Ver además:, Dec. 27, 2011 (verse 1. (not in technical use) a stanza. 2. a succession of metrical feet written, printed, or orally composed as one line; one of the lines of a poem. 3. a particular type of metrical line: a hexameter verse. 4. a poem, or piece of poetry. 5. metrical composition; poetry, especially as involving metrical form.)

Wikipedia, Dec. 27, 2011 (Verse may refer to: Poetry: * Verse (poetry), a metrical structure, a stanza * Blank verse is a type of poetry having regular meter but no rhyme * Free verse is a type of poetry written without the use of strict meter or rhyme, but is still recognized as poetry * Verse, an occasional synonym for poetry; Religion: * Chapters and verses of the Bible * Ayah, each one of the 6236 verses found in the Qur'an; Music: Verse (popular music), roughly corresponds to a poetic stanza)

Biblioteca del Congreso (Estados Unidos), 19 abril 2024: catálogo electrónico (Poetry)

DGB/UNAM, 19 abril 2024: catálogo electrónico (Poesía)

Ibero, 19 abril 2024: catálogo electrónico (Poesía)

Aquí se asientan las obras generales sobre poesía y obras limitadas a la filosofía de la poesía. Las obras que discuten colectivamente la técnica y la filosofía de la poesía así como las obras limitadas a la técnica de la poesía se asientan bajo Poética