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  • América

América (Nombre Geográfico)

Forma preferida: América
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Américas
  • Repúblicas americanas
  • Nuevo Mundo
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MESH: hdg. (America changed to Americas for 1996)

Random House (America: Also called the Americas. New World see Western Hemisphere (def. 1); Western Hemisphere 1. the western part of the terrestrial globe, including North and South America, their islands, and the surrounding waters)

Argus, G.W. Infrageneric classification of Salix (Salicaceae) in the New World, c1997.

Web. 3 (new world: the western hemisphere; esp.: the continental landmass of No. and So. America)

Web. geog. (New World. The land of the Western Hemisphere)

Biblioteca del Congreso (Estados Unidos), 14 diciembre 2011: catálogo electrónico (América)

UIA, 14 diciembre 2011: catálogo electrónico (America)

Here are entered works discussing collectively the lands of the Western Hemisphere. Works on that portion of the earth's surface consisting of North and South America and adjacent islands and oceans, with approximate boundaries at longitudes 20p0sW and 160p0sE, are entered under Western Hemisphere.

Nota bajo Hemisferio Occidental