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  • Graves, Robert,

Graves, Robert, 1895-1985 (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Graves, Robert, 1895-1985
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Ranke-Graves, Robert von, 1895-1985
  • Von Ranke-Graves, Robert, 1895-1985
  • Doyle, John, 1895-1985
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For works of this author written in collaboration with Laura (Riding) Jackson, search also under: Rich, Barbara.

Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.

Non-Latin script references not evaluated.

His Fairies and fusiliers ... 1917.

Wash. Post, 12-8-85 (Robert Ranke Graves, d. 12-7-85)

Mythos, Mutterrecht und Magie, c1993: p. 7 (Robert von Ranke-Graves)

The Marmosite's miscellany, 1975: t.p. (Robert Graves) pref. (...which I wrote at Oxford in 1925 under the pseudonym John Doyle)