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  • Arce, Javier

Arce, Javier (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Arce, Javier
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Arce Martínez, Javier
  • Martínez, Javier Arce
  • Arce, J. (Javier)

Caesaraugusta, ciudad romana, 1979: title page (Javier Arce) page 9 (Javier Arce Martínez)

Colloque internacional sur les bronzes antiques (11th : 1990 : Madrid, Spain). Bronces y religión romana, 1993: title page (J. Arce) page 3 (Javier Arce)

Bárbaros y romanos en Hispania (400-507 A.D.), 2007: title page (Javier Arce) front flap (born 1945 in Zaragoza; professor of Roman archaeology at the Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille III)

Biblioteca Nacional de España online catalog, viewed July 22, 2020 (authorized access point: Arce, Javier (1945-); other data in authority record: historian and archaeologist; born 1945 in Zaragoza)

Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille III, Histoire, archéologie et littérature des mondes anciens (HALMA, UMR 8164) website, viewed July 22, 2020 (Javier Arce, professeur d'archéologie romaine; he has been professor of Roman archaeology at Lille since 2007; he is a former member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University (1979-1980 and 1988-1989); author of Bárbaros y romanos en Hispania (400-507 A.D.))