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  • Lispector, Clarice

Lispector, Clarice (Autor Personal)

Forma preferida: Lispector, Clarice
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Quadros, Tereza, 1920-1977
  • Palmer, Helen, 1920-1977
  • Soares, Ilka, 1920-1977
  • קלאריס, ליספקטור
  • Lispeḳṭor, Ḳlʼaris

on-Latin script reference not evaluated.

Her O lustre, romance, 1946.

Borelli, O. Clarice Lispector, c1981: t.p. (Clarice Lispector) verso t.p., CIP (Lispector, Clarice, 1924-1977)

Fitz, E.E. Clarice Lispector, c1985: CIP galley (b. Tchetchelnik, Ukraine, USSR, 12/10/25; precise date of birth in doubt; d. 12/9/77 in Rio de Janeiro)

Varin, C. Clarice Lispector, 1987: p. 237 (b. 12-10-20, Tchetchelnik, Ukraine; d. 10-9-77)

Clarice, 1993: p. 21 (b. 10-10-20)

Só para mulheres, c2006: t.p. (Clarice Lispector) p. 159 (Braz. CIP hdg.: Lispector, Clarice, 1920-1977) cover p. 4 (Clarice Lispector writes under the pseudonyms Tereza Quadros in the Brazilian newspaper Comício; Helen Palmer in Correio da manhã, and Ilka Soares in Diário da noite between 1952 and 1960 [no headings in OCLC])

The chandelier, 2018: CIP t.p. (Clarice Lispector) data view ("Clarice Lispector (1920-1977), the greatest Brazilian writer of the twentieth century, has been called "astounding" (Rachel Kushner), "a penetrating genius" (Donna Seaman, Booklist), and "a truly remarkable writer" (Jonathan Franzen). "Her images dazzle even when her meaning is most obscure," noted the Times Literary Supplement, "and when she is writing of what she despises, she is lucidity itself")

Lomedet li-ḥeyot, 2021: title page ( קלאריס ליספקטור = Ḳlʼaris Lispeḳṭor) title page (KIaris Lispektor [in rom.])